At ChiroPed Orthotics, we understand that your feet are your foundation, and we know how difficult life can be when your feet, ankles, knees and low back hurt. Whether you’re coming here on your own, or are being referred by your doctor, our staff has the experience to help you feel better. Here’s what you can expect if you have an appointment with our board-certified pedorthists. If you’ve been referred to us by a doctor, please bring your prescription to assist us with the proper treatment. If you don’t have a prescription, our staff will obtain a proper diagnosis before offering treatment options.
Items to bring
Please bring your insurance information. If you need forms, please download from list below. Wear shoes that you use regularly. They offer us clues on how you walk. If you currently have foot orthotics that you’re not currently using, bring them with you.
We ask a lot of questions. We’ll want to know exactly how it feels when going about your daily routine when we conduct your thorough evaluation. We’ll obtain all relevant medical information, learn about your work, daily habits, lifestyle and exercise routine. We’ll carefully assess your feet, test your range of motion, and perform a walking or running gait analysis, if needed. We’ll look at your current footwear. It’s all part of a thorough process that gives in the best results.
We’ll review your options and your prescription, which might include custom orthotics or footwear. Patients are pleasantly surprised to learn how much proper-fitting footwear along with an orthotic can help them feel better. If you have a medical condition and no prescription before we can treat you, we can refer you to one of our trusted doctors.
Follow up
We’ll schedule a follow up appointment with you, if necessary. It’s our job to work with you to help you feel better. We provide 3 months of free adjustments on all custom orthotics. The top covers are guaranteed for up to a year and the plastic core for three years. Here’s the fine print: our fit guarantee provides that the device is comfortable to wear. We cannot guarantee results, but will provide adjustments to give you the best chance of relief of your medical condition.